Welcome Visitors – We are blessed to have you join us for Divine Service today. We kindly request you sign our Guest Book at the back of the church and/or fill out a Welcome Card and place it in the offering plate. Thank You.
Birthday Box – If you have a March birthday, you are encouraged to thank God for your life by donating $.10 or more for each year of life you’ve been given. Box is in the back – look for the red bow.
Church Library – March “Books of the Month” are: “The Man Jesus”; “The Desire of Ages”;“Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ”; and “Where Jesus Walked.”
Children’s Branch in the basement: “Animals of the Bible”; “Bedtime Hugs for Little Ones”; “Goosehill Gang and the Vanishing Sandwich”; and “The Weird Soccer Match.”
Prayer of the Week–Thanks be to you, our Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits which you have given us, for all the pains and insults which you have borne for us. Most merciful Redeemer, Friend and Brother, may we know you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen.
St. Richard of Chichester
No Host Lunch - Tuesday, the 18th, Noon, at Cabinet Mountain Brewery. Sign up sheet in the back.
School Nurse at elementary school is asking for pants (size 6-12) for girls and boys, in good condition. They don’t need to be new. Donation box is in the kitchen.
The Position of Co-Secretary is still open. If you are interested in working in the church office, please contact Dan Howard or Pastor Thomas.
Did You Know? If you are going to miss a Sunday and would like to know what the bulletin notes are, you can access them by going to sjlc-libbymt.org. under “News.” Also, you can access the last five Bulletins and Pastor’s sermons in the bottom row of the boxes at the back of the church.
Lutheran Witness – If you are interested in receiving the Lutheran Witness by mail, please notify Sharon by Sunday, April 27th. Your check is appreciated (made out to St. John Lutheran Church and “Lutheran Witness” in the Memo). The subscription price is $20.65 per year and it begins in July 2025.